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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Video: Beck svart om grön energi

Talkshow-värden Glenn Beck intervjuade i maj professor Gabriel Calzada, som gjorde den studie om gröna jobb i Spainen som jag nämnde här och i vilken man fann att för varje skapat grönt jobb drygt 2 andra jobb försvann.


Ur transkript:

BECK: Let me play devil's advocate here: That's just because the economy hasn't fully flipped, it hasn't fully gone green yet. I mean, as soon as these things really take off, then the jobs will be there?

CALZADA: This is what we're told. Back in 1997 when this program started and the European Union and Spain were saying, well, at the beginning, we will need five, 10 years in order to make this possible, in order to make this technology viable, in order to make this technology run in the market without subsidies, and 12 years later, they are telling us that we need to push them with public money, with billions for many more years. They are speaking now about 15, 20, 25 years.


BECK: ...you have unemployment — unemployment now is at 17.8 percent in Spain. You're being held out as this great green country. Your study shows that green jobs are an absolute nightmare.

Why is this being touted [in US]?

CALZADA: Well, this is a very good question for an economist, especially for an economist. It is really difficult to understand. Why would a country, like the U.S., with relatively low unemployment, want to learn how to create jobs from a country like Spain which has a record of unemployment rate in developed countries?

It's a very, very good question.

BECK: Well, it's progressive thinking on our part. We're trying to be really very progressive now, you know? We don't want to be like, we don't want that old-style thinking like, you know, like we used to have. We want to be very progressive and be like Spain, with, what, 17.8 percent unemployment.

If you didn't have the green jobs, do you think and all the government interference — do you — do you have anything in your study that shows that things would be able to turn around?

CALZADA: Well, right now, the only way out of the — because in Spain, what the politicians have done is to create a bubble. They have created a huge bubble, renewable bubble, and every year, in order to maintain the bubble there, they have to put more and more millions or more billions into the bubble. And right now, the bubble has burst because the government was not able to increase the amount of money that we were putting into the bubble.

(HT: Stop Global Cooling Now)

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  1. Glenn Beck är en bråkmakare, en burdus sådan dessutom. Jag ogillar journalister och reportrar som har en tydlig politisk agenda. Det hindrar dock inte att han har helt rätt här. Synd på Spanien som ska slarva bort allt på sånt där larv.

  2. Ja. Jag tycker också Beck allmänt verkar rätt ointelligent, men jag håller med om vissa av hans positioner. (Man kan kanske säga att han är frihetligt konservativ, men hän är inte den tänkare han och hans fans verkar tro att han är; komiskt nog har han och Palin målats upp som radarpar i nästa presidentval, och han tycks ha nappat på det. LOL! )

    Vänstern brukar vara intoleranta mot att man har fel personer involverade i material (vi "skeptiker"/ickelurade utmålas ju som värsta galningar av sådana som Erik Svensson, Emretsson m fl), men Beck är ju ingen konspirationsteoretiker (typ Alex Jones), religiös galning eller så utan en amerikansk högersinnad radiopratare med en TV-show. Här tas som sagt energipolitik upp (och det klagades väl inte när hans program med Monckton nyligen bloggades av oss i ickelurade bloggosfären :) ).


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