En mycket bra text återges i denna bloggpost. Textförfattaren är en programmerare som kallar sig Mencius. Här superkort om innehållet (som du kan skippa om du ska läsa artikeln):
En utgångspunkt är definitioner på vad forskning är. Processen med hockeyklubban används som exempel och beskrivs som en slags milstolpe för en här auktoritetsstyrd forskning. Denna bloggposts rubrik syftar på det Mencius beskriver som "a social process that could produce the Consensus", som alltså styr forskningen, till skillnad från en tid när falsifiering av hypoteser och teorier drev den. Mencius skriver:
There is no future in climate science for an AGW skeptic. This is why all the skeptics that are still around are dinosaurs, full professors and professors emeritus. As a grad student or an assistant professor, you'd have to be crazy to attack these people. You'll never get a grant again.
Några andra nämnvärda rader (Wegman dömde ut hockeyklubban efter bl a McIntyres kritik):
The problem [...] has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats or whatever. McIntyre is a liberal. Wegman voted for Gore. He is not some kind of crazy AEI activist, he is the former chair of the NAS panel on statistics, who had never heard of any of this crap before Barton called him. [...] The problem is money and power and fraud, pure and simple. Trillions of dollars are being reallocated on the basis of statistical work that would flunk a sophomore. [...]
MBH99 is like a bad audit finding. When you find that Bear Stearns or Enron or Citicorp or whoever has fabricated some nonexistent asset on its books, you don't give it a slap on the wrist and tell it to cross the line out. You unleash the forensic guys. You don't find just one cockroach in a kitchen. And you don't tell the health inspector, "sorry, we'll kill it."
Men fuskarna får fortsätta. En läsvärd artikel med bra och relevanta länkar. Läs den här.
Tillbakalänkning om klimatforskning: Sydsvenskan
Andra bloggar om: vetenskap, klimat, klimatet, klimatdebatt, konsensus, paleontologi, växthuseffekten, forskning, klimatforskning
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