[Detta med klimatfrågan är i dag så mycket mer än själva vetenskapen, med en alarmistisk dimension och som ett populärt och effektivt verktyg i politiken, och därför bloggar jag detta. Jag har inte för avsikt att här strikt beröra vetenskapen, utan snarare allt omkring denna fråga.]
Glenn Beck intervjuade häromdan Lord Monckton, som var en av Margaret Thatchers policyrådgivare. En intressant liten intervju.
De första minutrarna handlar om issmältning och annat. Efter ett par minuter kommer man in på Gores enorma reklamsatsning, en av de största i USA:s historia(!), där Monckton spekulerar kring hur den finansierats i något som onekligen känns som en slags Huntington-inspirerad konspirationsteori ("the Rest" i denna posts rubrik är från Samuel Huntingtons uttryck "the West and the Rest"). Monckton uttrycker dock detta som en misstanke och uppmanar oss ta reda på hur det förhåller sig.
Jag nämnde f ö en bit ned i denna post att Gore dragit in 5 miljarder dollar till en miljöfond han förvaltar. Om fakta ännu inte redovisats lär vi tids nog få reda på var nästan 300 miljoner dollar kom ifrån.
GLENN: Okay. All right. What was the answer to the question that Al Gore gave last night on his $300 million ad campaign? I have the question and his answer. I want to know what was the real answer. Here's the question and answer from TV last night.
STAHL: We're told that this ad campaign is going to cost a barrel of money. How are you paying for this?
GORE: Well, Tipper and I, thank you again, have put all of the profits from the movie and the book that we would have otherwise gotten, An Inconvenient Truth, to this and --
STAHL: All the profits?
GORE: Correct, all that we would have received, absolutely.
TIPPER GORE: And not only that but, you know, there is a cash component to the Nobel Peace Prize which he was awarded, and we donated that and we matched it.
GLENN: Okay. That's about $300 million that they are going to spend on the ad campaign. If we're incredibly generous, we can say that the Gores just donated $10 million, incredibly generous. Where does the other $290 million come from for this ad campaign?
LORD MONCKTON: That, of course, is the question that she ought to have asked him and she didn't because if she had asked him, he wouldn't have agreed to the interview. On my guess is that it came from a number of sources, all of them undesirable and all of them very unfriendly to the freedoms of the West. I think the Chinese government is involved in this up to their neck. I think the Indian government. I think several Arab governments.
GLENN: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait.
LORD MONCKTON: And I also, it's quite likely that outfits like Greenpeace and the Environmental Defense Fund. Greenpeace will soon have a Navy larger than the British Navy.
GLENN: Okay. Hang on just a second. Lord Monckton, you say something like the Chinese and India are funneling money into this campaign.
GLENN: Do you have anything to back that up? That's quite the charge.
LORD MONCKTON: It is quite a charge, but it's just a very large amount of money which Gore hasn't got and nor, I think, even do Greenpeace and the Environmental Defense Fund have that kind of money. It's such a large sum that --
GLENN: So what makes you jump to India or China as opposed to --
LORD MONCKTON: India, China, Arab governments, who stands to gain? It's very simple really. Who stands to gain if Western governments close down their economies because infatuous nincompoops like Al Gore come out and say the sky's about to fall in? The answer is those countries that are trying to compete with us economically and would like to take over from us the leadership of the Western -- of the free world. And the Chinese would love to take over from us. They are already very active in Africa. They are moving in as powers move out. The Indians, of course, are also hugely expanding their economy. They are not going to be told to stop this. India and China have jointly and on several occasions announced they are not going to reduce their emissions below the per capita level that we emit and that would allow them actually to increase their emission five fold over and above what they already are. And China and India between them now account for getting over two thirds emissions worldwide. They have a huge vested interest in this. And I'm deeply suspicious of this very large amount of money that's being spent and I think that everybody should now be asking Al Gore where did this money come from, is it clean money or is it dirty money.
Hela transkriptet.
Uppdatering: Här är inslaget på CBS 60 Minutes (först reklam):
Delen om finansieringen vid 5:30, just efter man visat hur pinsamt stor frågan just nu är i USA. (På Youtube i del 1 och del 2.)
Om detta i våra medier:
SvD: "Gore satsar 300 miljoner för miljön"
SvD (blogg): "Al Gore slår till igen"
DN: "Gore satsar 300 miljoner dollar för miljön"
Sydsvenskan: "Gore satsar 300 miljoner för miljön"
Andra bloggar om: samhälle, USA, klimat, klimatet, klimatpolitik, klimatalarmism, Al Gore
Svensk el i september 2024
3 months ago
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