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Sunday, November 14, 2010

BBC-klipp 19 okt, om klimat-tvivel

Helt anspråkslöst ett litet BBC-klipp.


"It’s the year that “uncertainty” became the buzzword in the climate change debate, even for scientists who are convinced that human activity is warming the planet.

Last year saw the publication of private e-mails written in these buildings, the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. Experts spoke of doing “tricks” with numbers. They hinted at the deletion of data that didn’t fit their theories.

This summer, an inquiry, the last of three, left the scientists’ reputation intact, but told them that they had to be more honest about how they reach their conclusions.

Then came “Glaciergate”. In 2007 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the group of international scientists that inform global environmental policy, had written a report saying that most of the glaciers in the Himalyas could melt by 2035, but that was proved to be wildly inaccurate.

The head of the IPCC, the Indian academic Rajendra Pachauri came under pressure to quit. In future [the] chairman will serve just one term, and again the academics were told to be more honest about the question marks in their research.

Back at home, David Cameron has pledged the “greenest Government ever”, but there are limits. This week the Coalition announced it wouldn’t fund tidal power in the Severn Estuary because the bill was too high."

Frågan är hur radikal Storbritanniens nya regering blir? Vetenskapsskribenten Matt Ridley (med bloggen The Rational Optimist) fick intressant nog ett svar från nye energi- och klimatministern på en artikel i The Times. Eventuellt blir det en bloggpost om det...

HT: Per Strandberg

Klimat i media: MA, GP
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