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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Dags att dumpa miljöförstörar-rörelsen

I en uppriktig artikel slår David Millhouse huvudet på spiken!

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Först tar Millhouse upp priset på fordonsbränsle, där han menar att det börjat leda till inskränkning av semesterplaner samt att folk inte kan ta sig till jobbet. Vidare sägs USA ha sig själva att skylla för situationen, då man inte borrat efter olja med hänsyn till en miljörörelse som argumenterat att det ändå tar 10 år att genomföra. Millhouse kommenterar syrligt:

"Well, that was 10 years ago. It would be kind of nice if we had that oil now, wouldn't it?"
Är det förresten någon som inte kan se en parallell med vår kärnkraftsdebatt i dag ...och för 10 år sedan?

Nåväl. Millhouse fortsätter:
"Now comes the political correctness. We couldn't use the oil anyway. We are told, "We shouldn't use petroleum, man-made global warming." In the name of political correctness, we can't challenge global warming unless you want to be belittled in front of friends and society. Besides, our youths have been taught global warming is gospel. By who? The environmentalists, who have infiltrated our school systems, that's who. Simply put, many teachers push global warming as a fact. However, most of them lack the breadth or depth of knowledge on the subject and yet they are still pushing global warming as a fact. Our youth are asked to accept global warming as the gospel. Why? Political correctness. Truly, a classical case that if you tell a lie often enough, it will become the truth."
Att forskarna är allt annat än eniga, utan många respekterade forskare inte tror på mänsklig växthuseffekt nämns, och avslutningsorden i sista stycket torde faktiskt vara sanna beträffande naturen.
"We are at or near the crossroads. We can accept this runaway environmentalism by the liberal, socialist, anti-capitalist, self (U.S.)-loathing fragment of our society and watch the economy of our great country wither as we slip into a second- or third- rate country. Or, we can cast environmentalism and political correctness on the trash heap where it belongs. Enough of the environmental organizations that have an overwhelming number of lawyers but only a few weak scientists. Enough of these organizations that use scare tactics just to enrich their coffers. We should be good stewards of our land, but we shouldn't allow these environmentalists to use the environment against the well being of our country and while in the process, also destroy the environment."

(Hat Tip: CO2 Sceptics.)

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