Christopher Horner, som skrev "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism" (se online-bok i menyn), har släppt en ny bok, "Red Hot Lies: How Global Warming Alarmists Use Threats, Fraud, and Deception to Keep You Misinformed". Ur innehållsbeskrivningen:
"In pursuing their anti-energy, anti-capitalist, and pro-government agenda, the global warming alarmists--and unscrupulous scientists who see this scare as their gravy train to federal grants and foundation money--resort to dirty tricks, smear campaigns, and outright lies, abandoning scientific standards, journalistic integrity, and the old-fashioned notions of free speech and open debate. [...] Power-hungry politicians blacklist scientists who reject global warming alarmism. U.S. senators threaten companies that fund climate change dissenters. Mainstream media outlets openly reject the notion of "balance." The occasional unguarded scientist candidly admits the need to twist the facts to paint an uglier picture in order to keep the faucet of government money flowing. In the name of "saving the planet," anything goes. But why the nasty tactics? Why the cover ups, lies, and intimidation? Because Al Gore and his ilk want to use big government at the local, state, federal, and global level to run your life, and they can brook no opposition. But the actual facts, as Red Hot Lies makes clear, aren't nearly as scary as their fiction."
(HT: Watts)
Detta får mig att tänka på biologen Stephen Schneider, en central person inom alarmistisk klimatforskning. I Singer och Averys "Unstoppable Global Warming" bekrivs han bl a så här (s. 212):
"Man-made warming advocate and biologist Stephen Schneider has denounced the idea that scientific discoveries might enable humanity to protect the environment and still keep high human standards of living. Schneider calls such research 'an irresponsible palliative.' He says, 'It evades the need for a real cure, such as curbing the consumption of the rich and the population growth of the poor, and charging polluters for their use of the atmosphere as a free sewer.' Schneider is also hard at work on behalf of a 'world government' that would have the authority to 'enforce responsible use of the global commons.'" (Citat ur "Earth Systems Engineering and Management", Science 291 (2001).)Av Schneider brukar även ofta detta citeras:
"...we need to get some broadbased support, to capture the public's imagination. That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have. This 'double ethical bind' we frequently find ourselves in cannot be solved by any formula. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest."
Richard Lindzéns rapport om forskningskulturen kan också nämnas, där betydelsen av kontakter mellan alarmistiska forskare framgår.
Andra bloggar om: samhälle, global warming, växthuseffekten, klimat, klimatet, politik, miljörörelsen, klimatpolitik, klimatalarmism, vänstern
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Ibland skriver jag ett och annat i Maggies blogg, då mest som upprörd medborgare som känner mig totalt blåst av den ensidighet och det lureri som jag till slut kommit att spåra i ämnets behandling från media och från politiker.
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mvh Börje
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