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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Gores blogg samt unstoppable katastrofbransch

Vega.jpgFick just se att Al Gore bloggar. Har visst gjort det sen tidigt 2007.

Han tycks inte glo på någon vanlig 24-tummare, utan har ju tre rätt imponerande skärmar. Undrar om han har räknat ut deras energiförbrukning...

I sin blogg, som han kallar "Al's Journal", postar han bl a Youtubeklipp på egna tal och skriver t ex -- trots jordens kraftiga nedkylning -- sånt här:

"...the western United States is heating up twice as fast as the rest of the world."

"We are seeing signs of the economic impacts throughout the West..."

"The bright sunshine of the American west can produce enormous quantities to of energy to power our cities..."
(Hat Tip: Climate Change Fraud)

Uppdatering: Se även Maggies post om bl a Lehman Brothers rådgivare i klimatfrågan. Tom Nelson har mer information och länkar om bl a Gores relation till Lehmans.


Ska nu lämna Gore ifred men hålla mig till "fenomenet Gore". Med tanke på de nya hot jag under förra postens "Halvintressant 2" nämnde nu blåses upp, låt mig ge ett citat med exempel på tre tidigare katastrofscenarios (från denna iofs politiska pamflett):
"1. In 1820 the world had 1 billion people. Environmentalist said we should finds ways to stop reproducing so much people,because this planet will not be able to accommodate more than 2 billion people. As of September 2008 we have 6,677,563,921 people on the planet. They were wrong about that.

2. In 1860 David Thoreau writes books about how we are destroying the planet. He was another famous nut like Al Gore who tried to convince the world that people are going to destroy it. Thoreau wanted us to stop cutting trees down. Did I mention he was an anarchist. Here it is 2008, and all of his predictions about our future outcome were wrong.

3. In the early 1900's many many many so-called intelligent scientist and environmentalist said that by the year 2000 we would cease to exist. Most of these nuts were in England and Oscar Baumann whom worked in London coined the word "Smog." Afterwards the Enviro-numnuts took this word and ran a propaganda campaign with it. They said we would cease to exist unless we stop having children and stop using anything that produces smog. Here it is 2008 and people are living longer than ever."

Det finns säkert otaliga andra exempel på spridda undergångsteorier. Punkt 1 här torde avse malthusianism; en motbevisad ekonomisk teori som även i dag influerar miljörörelsen och ofta dyker upp i debatten.

* DN: "Skypegrundare stöder klimatforskning". Niklas blev såld på Gores magiska retorik...
* Sydsvenskan: "Jag - en miljöskurk". Krönika av en som går omkring med dåligt samvete...

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1 comment:

  1. Karln har 4 energislukande plattskärmar på sitt arbetsrum. Verkligen en förebild!

    Är det bara jag som tycker att titeln på hans bok (The assault on Reason) är ironiskt? :)


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