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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Bok av klimatrealistisk president

En engelsk översättning av en bok där Tjeckiens president Vaclav Klaus redogör för sin syn på klimatfrågan och klimatpolitik släpps i dagarna, nämligen "Blue Planet in Green Shackles" (Amazon). Har inte läst den än men Klaus torde ta upp hur radikal miljöpolitik hotar friheten, där en jämförelse han brukar nämna lär tas upp, nämligen den mellan dagens miljörörelse samt drivandet av klimatfrågan och kommunisternas politik för att ta kontroll över samhälle och människor.

Citaten här är från ett tal Klaus höll i samband med bokreleasen.

"[...] I spent most of my life under the communist regime which ignored and brutally violated human freedom and wanted to command not only the people but also the nature. To command "wind and rain" is one of the famous slogans I remember since my childhood. This experience taught me that freedom and rational dealing with the environment are indivisible."
En bit ned:
"I see the current danger in environmentalism and especially in its strongest version, climate alarmism.

My deep frustration has been exponentially growing in recent years by witnessing the fact that almost everything has already been said, that all rational arguments have been used and that global warming alarmism is still marching on. [...]

[...] The whole process is already in the hands of those who are not interested in rational ideas and arguments. It is in the hands of climatologists and other related scientists who are highly motivated to look in one direction only because a large number of academic careers has evolved around the idea of man-made global warming. It is, further, in the hands of politicians who maximize the number of votes they seek to get from the electorate."
Talet avslutas med följande:
"The basic questions of the current climate change debate are sufficiently known and well-structured:

1) Do we live in an era of a statistically significant, non-accidental and noncyclical climate change?

2) If so, is it dominantly man-made?

3) If so, should such a moderate temperature increase bother us more than many other pressing problems we face and should it receive our extraordinary attention?

4) If we want to change the climate, can it be done? Are current attempts to do so the best allocation of our scarce resources?

My answer to all these questions is NO, but with a difference in emphasis. [...] to argue, as it's done by many contemporary environmentalists, that these questions have already been answered with a consensual "yes" and that there is an unchallenged scientific consensus about this is unjustified. It is also morally and intellectually deceptive."

Hela talet på RealClearPolitics.

Mer om boken hos Luboš Motl.

Uppdatering: Ser att f d EU-kommissionär Frits Bolkestein skrivit denna artikel om Klaus bok!


Ämnesrelaterat twingly-spam:
Sydsvenskan om klimatpolitisk lobby för klimatsmart mat.

Andra bloggar om: , , , , , , , , ,


  1. Verkar mkt intressant! Precis läst Climate Confusion och håller på med Cool It. Rekommenderas likaledes.

  2. Tycker också att det verkar mycket intressant. Klaus torde ha en erfarenhet där han kan förklara mycket av vad vi i dag ser i politik och samhällsliv.


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